Royston's Hygge InspiredNursery
Inspired by Hygge, Little Acorns uses these principles alongside the Early Years Foundation Stage to support our children.
Welcome to our Day Nursery
Our nursery is based at 36c Kneesworth street in Royston and children can attend from 3 months old until they start full time school at the age of 4/5 years old.
We have a beautiful building with 4 large play rooms, a dining room, sensory room and garden. We have access to a wide space beyond our garden where we work with our Forest school teacher.

Bluebells and Daffodils
Under 24 months These two bright large rooms are for children under 24 months old. The rooms allow us to create a natural flow throughout them to support all of the babies needs. We have space to read, sing, explore, eat and sleep.

Owls and Owlets
Our Owl and Owlets have a large room with a messy play room attached to it. This enables the children to always have access to sensory and mark making opportunities throughout the day. With access straight to our outside area, they can enjoy going from sharing story sacks to playing in our mud kitchen with ease.

3 years + Our Willow play in the beautiful extension, with a room solely for pretend play attached. The room is arranged so that children have the opportunity to lead their own play, with real objects and materials to increase their interest. > The staff in this room build on the already learn independence skills and promote further development to ensure that our Willow are school ready.

Settling In
We offer a bespoke settling in period for all of our children, starting with a stay and play with yourself and a home visit is also offered. Settling can last just a few days, or be spread over a month, depending on the needs of the family and child.
Our Curriculm
Here at little acorns our area manager whom is a qualified early years teacher, has created a personalised curriculum for our setting. Our curriculum is based around the statutory framework but is tailored to our setting and to meet the needs of each individual child whom joins us here at little acorns.
Alongside our curriculum we use our Dinosaur values, which are our version of the characteristics of effective learning (COEL), they form the foundations for learning here at little acorns.
You will all be provided with wow moments for your child via our Famly app. These will focus on the COEL and allow you to see all the new ways your child has developed with us.